Literacy Gold
As part of our continuing focus on engaging young people to develop a love of reading, we are really pleased to launch a trial of Literacy Gold with our year 7, 8 and 9 students, which will support them and you with their reading, writing and spelling, along with learning their times tables.
Literacy Gold is an online programe that can be played on either a laptop, computer or ipad. Each programe takes around 10-15 minutes to play.
After half term we will be targeting at least 3 sessions of Literacy Gold in school for each student per week, however, you are able to support them at home by encouraging them to complete more sessions with you, and enabling them to share with you what they are doing and learning, this will have an even bigger outcome.
In order to login to their accounts students will need the following information:
Login at:
Username: Learningopps
Username: First name and first initial of child’s surname
Password: learningopps
Once logged in, your son/daughter can choose which program they should play.
Below is a link to Literacy Gold Parents & Carers Guide