

At Learning Opportunities we are committed to providing an accessible curriculum which is relevant, exciting, stimulating and creative. Our aim is for every student to enjoy learning and to gain the knowledge, skills and attributes to lead happy, fulfilling and successful lives in the future. We are well placed to offer educational experiences at the most appropriate level, and with the required level of support. In acknowledgement of their individuality we ensure that students are provided with opportunities and experiences which enable them to develop their fullest potential and to make progress based on their starting points.

Emphasis is consistently placed upon the acquisition of the basic numeracy, literacy and social attributes which form the core of those skills required for everyday life within the community. Where necessary students work 1:1 with our literacy teacher to close gaps in learning and make accelerated progress with basic skills.

As well as delivering a broad range of traditional academic subjects, we are able to provide access to a range of practical subjects and activities which are also a strong feature of our curriculum; these include Forest School, Challenger Troop, Mechanics and Horse Riding. Promotion of healthy lifestyles and the development of life skills are also key elements.

We take every opportunity to capitalise on personal interests, to enrich the curriculum and to enhance and consolidate learning through educational visits, whole school themed sessions and extra–curricular opportunities.

Differentiated curriculum planning, activities, delivery and outcomes ensure progression and challenge. Progress is closely monitored and reported on termly. Thorough and robust assessment ensures that we identify what each student already knows and where there are any gaps in their learning/development. This allows us to plan to meet individual students’ needs and ensure that every student makes good or better progress based on their different starting points.

Where appropriate, a range of accreditation routes are available from Year 9 through to the end of Year 11, including GCSE, Functional Skills, Entry Level and BTEC.

We work closely with local colleges to ensure that where appropriate students are able to access college link courses from Year 10. Work related learning opportunities are also provided in partnership with local businesses.


As with the primary curriculum, developing students’ communication, social and emotional skills remains an important aspect of the differentiated curriculum.

Lessons are general taught by subject teachers; teaching styles are varied and encompass a mixture of whole class, group and individual teaching. The exact balance between these depends upon the needs of the class and the individual. Interactive learning is highly valued and incorporated throughout.

Planning ensures breadth and progression to ensure students are taught the skills they will need to live a full and interesting life, as independently as they are able.


In Key Stage 4 all students follow an individual programme designed to meet their specific needs, abilities, and post 16 preferences. This includes preparation for the transition to a Post 16 placement either with us, at college, a training provider or employment. They can access a variety of accredited courses including GCSE, Entry Level and Functional Skills.

Students begin to look at the world of work and training through college links, work experience and Enterprise Education. Emphasis is placed on developing greater independence.


All students are required to have, as part of their studies, input on future careers. This is ordinarily delivered through our PSHE programme. In Years 7 and 8, the focus is very much about the development of the individual as a person, identification of strengths and weaknesses, and how to make appropriate choices.

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